Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. -Rumi, as translated by Coleman Barks

If you have been estranged from a loved one for months or years, and you desire to explore possibilities for reconnection, I can help. Your loved one may be a family member or simply someone with whom you once shared a bond. While we cannot control the other person’s response, we can get ourselves into a mindset most likely to produce a positive outcome. Sometimes the positive outcome is simply a sense of peace within us, knowing that we did our best and honored ourselves and the other. Sometimes, true reconciliation is possible. Reconciliation is more likely to happen if one of you knows how to prepare for the eventual meeting, whether it occurs in person, over the phone, or by video.
If you and an estranged love one have already expressed the desire for reconnection, but need to assure yourselves that it can be done in a safe and respectful manner without creating further wounding, I can facilitate a meeting providing the “container” for old feelings to be expressed without poisoning the possibility for connection today. I have been privileged to have facilitated such reconciliations, sometimes after family members have not spoken with or seen each other in decades.
Today, many people grow up in single parent homes, blended families, or situations in which they are moving from one parent’s household to the other’s household. Research on the impact of divorce and separation demonstrates that the way in which parents handle their co-parenting relationship has a profound impact upon their children’s experience of the break-up and how it affects a child’s self-concept. Some former partners are highly motivated to support their children by finding a way to develop a more cooperative relationship with each other.
Workplace relationships also run very deep. We spend a lot of our time at work and our sense of contribution and even purpose often depends upon how we perform and are perceived at work. Conflict between colleagues or between supervisors and employees can deeply affect a person’s self-concept and confidence level. If you have a troublesome relationship with a co-worker, chances are it is affecting many aspects of your life in addition to your work productivity. Addressing workplace conflict not only allows you to gain clarity and self-respect, but also allows you to explore the possibility of developing a positive relationship with your co-worker and of looking forward to going to work.
If you have a yearning to repair old wounds with someone, whether simply to release the hurt and anger, or for the purpose of exploring the possibility of ongoing reconnection, give me a call.